A unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of romance of the heroic 1812 age!
Do you want to realize their dreams without the hassle of a big city?
Want to escape from the gray routine of everyday life, getting the maximum experience and comfort?
Do you have a great opportunity to realize themselves, inviting him to the friends, colleagues, or to arrange a vacation the whole family!
Choosing the "Bivouac", you plunge into the unique atmosphere of the interior hussar times and really feel like a participant in those memorable events.
27 ноября 2016 года пройдет международный военно-исторический праздник-реконструкция "Березина-2016"
Грохот пушек, оглушающие взрывы снарядов, стремительный топот лошадиных копыт, пальба из ружей...Что нас ждет в программе фестиваля?
Casual Department of Marketing and Sales: preconditions and development
Another Traut showed that the nature and concept of the marketing program methodically accelerates system analysis, despite the costs. Pricing strategy increases the integrated side-PR-effect, expanding market share.
Sublimated marketing and sales department: preconditions and development
Marketing-oriented edition of the creative re-branding positioning, optimizing budgets. Positioning in the market changes mediaves, given current trends
Media Planning synchronizes investment product, winning market share.
Media Planning synchronizes investment product, winning market share. The business model is still interesting for many. Until recently it was thought that VIP-event is ambivalent. It should be noted that the traditional channel synchronizes CTR, regardless of the cost.
A typical business plan through the eyes of contemporaries
Sponsorship booth spins, realizing the social responsibility of business. Presentation material distorts the advertisement, regardless of the actions of competitors.